Friday, August 18, 2017

Its Interesting how the Prequel Generation fans are now in a Similar Position to where the OT Generation were back in 1999

I was 6 back in 1999 when I saw TPM in theaters so I'm firmly in the Prequel generation of Star Wars fans. I loved the Prequels growing up and still love them today even though I see more of their flaws. And we have seen a bit of a generational divide between the older fans and those of us who grew up watching the Prequels. They had 16 years to build up what the backstory of the saga would be, not to mention that they grew older and wanted Star Wars to grow up with them. Instead George targeted the Prequels at kids just as the OT was while also adding in new elements of political corruption and the downfall of democracy.Then in 2014/15 I found myself in a similar position, now 10 years after RotS and anticipating Episode VII, a film I had many preconceived ideas about. I was aware that TFA would be bringing in a new generation of fans just as the previous films had but at the same time selfishly I wanted the new films to be a bit darker and match the dramatic storytelling I desired now as an adult. I had to remind myself that these new films would not be specifically aimed at me, a feeling I'm sure many of the OT generation felt back in 1999.Now the Disney era of Star Wars is in full swing. Some of what they've done I've liked while others things I've hated but all around its been interesting to consume new Star Wars films from an adult perspective. I may dislike Starkiller Base and how safe Disney played it with TFA but then I see a little girl dressed up as Rey and I remind myself that this new generation just loves Star Wars, pure and simple, just like I did back when I saw TPM. Remembering that helps me keep any cynicism at bay and its one of my favorite aspects of Star Wars, how it brings people together from many generations with their shared love of this great universe.Sorry if that got too personal and rambling. I just wanted to get these thoughts out and see if other people had similar experiences. via /r/StarWars

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