Monday, June 26, 2017

Will The Last Jedi prove Darth Sidious' view of the force was correct?

"Anakin, if one is to understand the Great Mystery one must study all it's aspects... not just the dogmatic, narrow view of the Jedi. If you wish to become a complete and wise leader you must embrace... a larger view of the Force." -Palpatine in Revenge of the SithLuke Skywalker: "Breathe. Just breathe. Now, reach out. What do you see?" Rey: "Light. Darkness. A balance." Luke Skywalker: "It’s so much bigger." -The Last Jedi trailer (unknown if this will actually make it into the movie or not)It seems like Palpatine knew how powerful a "balanced" view of the Force was, although for some reason he chose to be squarely on the Dark Side. The Jedi certainly weren't talking about "balance"... via /r/StarWars

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