via /r/StarWars
Saturday, December 31, 2016
K2-SO wishes you a happy new year via /r/StarWars
When you time it perfectly! via /r/StarWars
What I look forward to the most in 2017... via /r/StarWars
Graphite Darth Vader, Took me 13 hours. via /r/StarWars
Palpatine at his first Senate Address and his last one via /r/StarWars
501st Darth Vader and Legacy Femtrooper stolen from Atlanta area, please share! via /r/StarWars
Last New Year's Eve, I was able to convince my aunt that Coruscant was really Florence, Italy. via /r/StarWars
We got our New Hope Prequel, but why don't we have our Phantom Menace prequel yet? via /r/StarWars
In Defense of Rogue One's character arcs - youre looking in the wrong place

Woke up today to another Jenny Nicholson video of her hating everything again. This time she's complaining, like a lot of people are, about the non-character arc's of Rogue One.Well, she is wrong. Rogue One has plenty of character arc's - they just arent the ones SHE wants. So, for you people complaining about R1's characters, I'm here to show you the other side.First, I need to start by saying not every character needs an arc. This isnt Game of Thrones where we have 10 episodes and multiple seasons to develop characters. This is a 2 hour Sci-Fi action movie. If we developed every characters backstory, we would have a 6 hour movie that everyone complained about too much character development.The main characters should have an arc, and do. The main characters in my eyes are Jyn, Galen, Cassian, and Krennic.Lets take them one by one. Galen has a beautiful arc. In which he starts the movie in hiding, fearing for his family. He loses his wife and to protect his only child, he forces himself to work besides the man who killed his wife and develop a terrible weapon capable of killing whole frickin planets, all in a desperate hope to one day sabotage it. Which, he does successfully...thanks to the daughter he sacrifices his own life for. Arc.Jyn. Some argue that Jyn doesnt care about people, but clearly does (saves little girl), so she has no arc. That isnt her arc. Her arc is actually that she doesnt care for the Rebellion. She has no allegiance to the Rebellion or the Empire. And she refuses to choose sides because it doesnt matter. Then she meets Saw. And then sees her father. She instantly chooses a side - the Rebellion. And sacrifices herself for what her father, and now her, believe in. Arc complete.Cassian. Cassian is a cold hearted rebel. He has done things, to his own admonishments during the movie, he is not proud of. Like, killing his friend in cold blood to start the movie. He does it to save the Rebellions secrets. Later, he doesnt believe in Jyn, and he thinks Galen is a traitor who needs to be murdered - to save the Rebellion. So, when given the assignment to kill Galen, he doesnt flinch. Until he spends more time with Jyn on Jedha. And realizes this chick is a bad ass. And maybe she is telling the truth. So, this cold blooded, always follow the orders kinda guy, when he has Galen in his sites doesnt pull the trigger. He grows and realizes maybe people arent what they seem. Jyn surprised him, maybe Galen would too? So he lets Galen live. And learns he was right to let him live. Arc complete.Krennic is an interesting character and i feel one of the best Star Wars villians in history. He is truly great. His arc is subtle, because bad guys arc's usually are. I mean, what is Grevious's arc? Or Dooku's? Krennic wants power. All he cares about is gaining power and moving up in the ranks of the EMPIRE. He wont fail and will continue to go until he obtains all he can get. At any cost. Well, turns out power isnt everything. Krennic realizes that as the weapon he had built fires upon him and kills him. Arc complete.As you can see, there are plenty of arcs. I could go on as Bodhi's was he was an imperial looking for redemption and found it by sacrificing himself for the rebellion, etc, etc.So, hopefully I have showed you some character arcs for Rogue One. Flame on.... via /r/StarWars
Retro Rogue One via /r/StarWars
You heard the rumours? They're retiring the TC-15 [Rogue One]

Noticed a funny comment in Rogue One that links up with Episode 4. On the beach in Rogue One, two stormtroopers share this exchange:"Have you heard the rumours? They're retiring the TC-15." "It's about time".Watching Episode 4 again, while Obi-Wan is disabling the tractor beam, two he hides from 2 stormtroopers, and one says "So have you seen the new TC-16?"Thought that was a nice reference, it shows how much attention they paid when linking up the details for Rogue One with the original trilogy. via /r/StarWars
Saddest thing about Obi-Wan

Remember that Anakin was almost like a brother to him. The movies didn't show much but the Clone Wars showed how close they are. They trained, lived and fought alongside one another for a huge chunk of their lifetimes, and survived the Galaxy's greatest war for three years.And when Anakin turned to the Dark Side, he was heartbroken. He refused to believe it until he saw Anakin slice down other Jedi on camera, and the realization almost broke him. Even worse, he never knew why Anakin turned. He didn't know Anakin's reasons, only that Anakin was now a Sith and he, Anakin's master had completely failed to properly guide and protect him. Having no choice, he defeated his former apprentice, who is now trying to kill him, and didn't even have the heart to kill him.And then he spent years hiding out on a planet that according to the EU he hated, looking over his former apprentice's son as said apprentice creates a totalitarian rule over the Galaxy. And finally, meets his apprentice again for the last time, who now boasts that he will kill him more easily this time. via /r/StarWars
[Photo] Seattle held a light saber vigil in honor of Carrie Fisher. via /r/StarWars
If you start Star Wars episode IV at exactly 10:02:43, the death star will explode at midnight.

No text found via /r/StarWars
When someone says they didn't like Rogue One via /r/StarWars
Marker drawing I did! Hope you like! via /r/StarWars
Someone made this when Episode 7 was announced, cool that we actually got to see it happen in Rogue One via /r/StarWars
Tonight in Seattle, We celebrate Carrie Fisher, May The Force Be With Her via /r/StarWars
I say THIS should be the next anthology film via /r/StarWars
Poor Galen via /r/StarWars
Friday, December 30, 2016
Carrie Fisher lightsaber vigil in Seattle via /r/StarWars
The Empire lost because these two guys didn't want to destroy what they thought was an empty escape pod. via /r/StarWars
My dad recently got back into painting and a scene from The Force Awakens. via /r/StarWars
Friend of mine sketched a tribute to Carrie Fisher via /r/StarWars
Suddenly have nowhere near as much of an issue with the visible age difference between Obi-Wan in ep 3-4... Harrison Ford and Obi-Wan, both 20 years apart via /r/StarWars
I find your lack of calcium disturbing. via /r/StarWars
Rogue One's entire plot in one picture. via /r/StarWars
Just surfing through the archives at the Jedi temple when all of a sudden this appears in your recommended list. via /r/StarWars
Why is Yoda afraid of 7?

Because 6, 7 8 via /r/StarWars
The Chancellor is a tragic character in Clone Wars

I watch some of The Star Wars:Clone Wars and I really sympathize with the chancellor in this. He's a dedicated man who wants to end the war with Grievous, but he's also a very sweet and kind, but physically small/frail person who is a bit of a pushover. He never seems forceful or commanding and his enemies and other politicians probably take advantage of this.But I think he's tragic because he's so passionate and dedicated about the galaxy and works close with the Jedi, yet he ll never be one of them. He's a Chancellor, yes but also still a human without special abilities. Some Jedi like mace Windu and Yoda are kind of rude to him and condescending like "you don't have the Force. This is Jedi business, go away" which is sad because the Chancellor is trying as hard as he can.It's even sadder because Anakin is like a grandson to him and he can never relate to his experiences. I often wonder if the Chancellor feels sad or inadequate because he can't feel the Force or do anything beyond sitting in an office and making speeches. And his old age and health must be hard, too. The war probably aged him so much.He's frequently must be in danger of Greivous and the other bad guys and doesn't have a way to properly defend himself and relies on the Jedi. I think he must feel helpless a lot.Anyway, I think it's kind of tragic. I hope he's not too hard on himself because even without the Force he can still do good. His job IS important. via /r/StarWars
Dermatologists hate him (x-post /r/tumblr) via /r/StarWars
Now this needs to be the next Anthology film via /r/StarWars
"Oh, it's beautiful." via /r/StarWars
Peter Mayhew: It's ok to grieve via /r/StarWars
I designed a sticker of K-2SO with my favorite RO quote via /r/StarWars
George Lucas to direct Rogue One Sequel via /r/StarWars
Jabba the Hutt – You Can't Blame Him For Trying via /r/StarWars
Over the moon with these amazing Star Wars socks I managed to win in a competition! via /r/StarWars
The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural via /r/StarWars
Tried my hand at a little K-2SO New Year's Eve spirit via /r/StarWars
Our Lady of the Stars by Joel Erkkinen via /r/StarWars
[Fan Creation] Jyn Erso kyber crystal inspired necklace I made after seeing Rogue One on December 16 via /r/StarWars
About to make me one badass lightsaber.....or power a Deathstar. Havent decided yet. via /r/StarWars
the force awakens au where everything is the same except “poe’s interrogation” scene audio is replaced with shrek’s “the muffin man” audio via /r/StarWars
Thursday, December 29, 2016
And now we know why Yoda chose that swamp... via /r/StarWars
Would anyone else be interested in a Cassian Andor comic series? [Spoilers sort of?]

I love the Marvel Star Wars series so far and think it would be a perfect home for a miniseries featuring Cassian Andor and maybe his adventures before Rogue One?I really love all of the characters in Rogue One and think that they could all use their own miniseries or stories leading up to Rogue One. I really do not want to see them abandoned just because [ending of Rogue One].How did Jyn end up in the Imperial prison at the beginning of the movie? How did the Guardians of the Whill react to the empire storming the Kyber Temple? What made Bohdi want to defect from the Empire in the first place?But for me, I love Cassian. He's extremely gray in my opinion and really could have done a lot for the rebellion before the beinning of Rogue One!Anyone else think he'd be a perfect fit for Marvel? Or even any of the other characters? via /r/StarWars
If Qui-Gon Jinn had just offered to come back to Tatooine with a decent ship or something he could have traded it to free Anakin's Mom and prevent the Empire's rise to power.

Qui-Gon Jinn I find your lack of foresight disturbing. via /r/StarWars
In honor of Carrie Fisher, my girlfriend decided to draw this. Thought I'd share it with you. via /r/StarWars
Goddamn sneaky Donnie Yen. via /r/StarWars
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