They can’t keep getting away with it man. When I was 8 years old and saw Darth Vader strut into the hallway I knew immediately who I was rooting for. Obi walking around in his hobo robes just reaffirmed my opinion. Then you got Sheev walking around with the most iced out lightsaber on his belt. Not to mention all the historic Sith who spend more time on there outfit than studying the force. Now you got dark side chad and a super model once again showing the Jedi who’s more fashionable. I know for a fact George Lucas picked Ferrari red for their light sabers just to make a point. I swear I would be a dark side user just for the fashion. Who cares if your not a force ghost when you look like a Sci-Fi Gucci model trying to take over the galaxy. via /r/StarWars https://ift.tt/sYN82MJ