I was thinking about this while watching Rebels and on that note, please beware my comments will have spoilers regarding the end of that particular series.It's interesting that while Anakin fell to the dark side and Obi-Wan stayed strongly devoted to the Jedi code, even rising above so much more than so many others, their mentorships had vastly different effects. First we look at Obi-Wan, who while a best friend and brother figure to Anakin, his overbearing-father type attitude in training the boy and strict adherences to the Jedi code didn't help keep him on track. Not that Kenobi is to blame for his fall but it does beg the question, had Qui-Gon trained him, would things have gone very differently?Then let's look at how Commander Cody turns out, a clone who was basically Obi-Wan's right hand through the Clone Wars and the closest thing Kenobi had to a friend regarding the clones. General Kenobi tended to keep things pretty by-the-book with Cody and in turn Cody did the same, granted they were friendly soldiers that even joked around here and there, but they never grow as close as Anakin does with his counterpart in the 501st. What becomes of Cody, he follows orders not to pursue any courses with his inhibitor chip after the incident with Fives and while It's possible he later regretted his actions, this ignorance led to his "Order 66" mandate ordering the murder of Obi-Wan.Now let's look at Anakin, as doomed as he himself seemed to be, his mentorship to his own Padawan Ahsoka Tano and clone right-hand Captain Rex had very different results. While Obi-Wan wasn't the most detached of Jedi mentors, even growing to love Anakin and Satine, he still had reserved interactions with how close he allowed himself to become. Not that Kenobi did anything wrong, but with how he was brought up and adhered to the code, look at how things turned out?Skywalker on the other hand, he wasn't detached at all, he was comfortable basically becoming a loving big brother to Ahsoka and treating Rex like one of his best friends, a brother in arms. While Ahsoka never made it to Knighthood, she still managed to survive the Clone Wars, never fell to the dark side, helped the Rebellion so much in its early years, even out-lived her fallen master and rose to become so much better more enlightened a person. Then there's Rex who did pursue removing his own chip post-Fives/pre-66, he never turned on his Jedi superiors, he learned how to get past the guilt of war and how to live a life, even serving the Rebel Alliance and making it to the end of the Original-Trilogy war a hero.Damn I think that says alot for the differences in mentorship, Obi-Wan may have been the better Jedi/human, but Anakin Skywalker was the better Mentor/friend in my opinion. via /r/StarWars https://ift.tt/2HZAE3i