Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Stim Drugs, is Cal Kestis an addict?

Earlier today, I was joking with one of my friends about how many stims (the healing items, for those who haven't played the Jedi games) that Cal Kestis takes. I got kind of curious later, because stim canisters can only be found in rusty crates, tucked away in the most hidden corners of the Galaxy, and nobody else can be seen taking them, like, ever! In anything! I started to wonder what these things were.I looked on the Wookiepedia, and apparently stims made their first Canon appearance in a comic, where they were used to awaken Leia from a paralyzed, frozen state. So, they're stimulants, stims isn't just a name. And they're not weak either, they're used to wake up catatonic patients. If they're the same drug, then Cal is a speed maniac, which could explain why he feels compelled to kill every single animal he sees every time he visits a new planet. Are Leia's stims and Cal's stims the same drug? Why are they so hard to find? Can taking 15 vials of painkillers/stimulants a day have detrimental effects? Is the last living beacon of hope for the Jedi Order a homicidal junkie ginger? via /r/StarWars https://ift.tt/tb0RdU3

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