Sunday, August 6, 2023

Revan should not get a movie/TV series

Spoilers for Knights of the Old Republic and the MMO below.Look, many people (including me) love Revan. KOTOR is one of my favorite video games and I'd love to get another game or a show based on the era.But if a movie or show was made based on KOTOR it would just end up with most people hating it.One of the big reasons why people enjoyed playing Revan so much is because it was an RPG and they were able to shape their own individual Revan. Think about all the different things you got to choose. Where they Light Side or Dark Side? Did they use one saber, duel wield, or a double bladed lightsaber? Did they ignore lightsabers all together? What gender were they? What armor/robes/masks did they use? Did they romance anyone? Which face did you choose? How did they get past the rancor in the sewers? Did they outwit the sith on Korriban or just go on a killing spree once they were done? Did they do all the speeder races? Etc etc.You make dozens of decisions throughout the game that someone else might have done differently.For a short example, when I played I had Revan duel wield lightsabers and retake his place as a Sith Lord.If I got to see this in a movie/show would I love it? Yep.Would everyone who had Revan use a single blade and redeem themselves to return to the Jedi hate it? YEP!We each love Revan but we all have different ideas on WHAT Revan was like. If they tried to give Revan a definite version it would lead to arguing over Revan's portrayal being wrong and THIS is how they should be!Hell we actually got to see this kind of thing play out before. For the Old Republic MMO they made a "canon" Revan for a book and then for the game. Revan got a known face, alignment, gender, voice, and fighting style. Annnnnnd both portrayals are pretty much universally hated.Some people would enjoy seeing a version of Revan made canon. But I think it would be best if the time and money was put to make a remaster of KOTOR and they kept Revan shadowed in mystery. Have someone mention their name or armor in a series to show their canon but don't bring Revan to the big screen. via /r/StarWars

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