Sunday, November 13, 2022

Say something positive about each Star Wars movie.

I'll start! (These are just my opinions & it's fine if you disagree.)(SPOILERS AHEAD!)TPM: Introduces two iconic planets (Naboo and Coruscant). The pod race is great. That lightsaber duel is iconic. Overall, it's the most fun and lighthearted of the PT films. I don't mind the politics & think they bring depth to the universe and add to the world building. Qui-Gon may be my all-time favourite character. Slightly controversial opinion, but I liked Jake as Anakin.AOTC: Ewan McGregor's performance as Obi-Wan is phenomenal. I love his entire meeting with Jango on Kamino and the asteroid field chase. The Battle of Geonosis is epic. Count Dooku is an awesome character (R.I.P. Christopher Lee). The entire film is an action-packed ride and can also get real dark at times (Anakin on Tattooine). It also has some of the best sound design in SW (seismic charges, need I say more?).ROTS: My absolute favourite movie in the Skywalker Saga. Extremely quotable & memeable ("Hello there"; "Another happy landing"; "I am the senate"; "You were the chosen one"; etc.). Has the greatest lightsaber duel of all time (Obi-Wan vs. Vader). Ian McDiarmid as Palpatine is such a joy to watch. The visuals, especially during Mustafar, are breathtaking. Has some of the darkest moments in all of SW (Order 66, Siege of the Jedi Temple). It's an emotional rollercoaster, turning from a fun action movie into a freaking Greek tragedy.ANH: First introduced the world to the Star Wars universe, the Jedi, the Force, the Empire, the Rebel Alliance, lightsabers, droids, the Skywalker family. Timeless and excellent retelling of the classic Hero's Journey. Still holds up incredibly well today for a film made in 1977. First time we see the Death Star in action. Darth Vader is a great and iconic villain. Han freakin' Solo!TESB: Movie has the coolest (pun intended) opening sequence of all time (Battle of Hoth). Dagobah scenes with Yoda are great, and the way that brought him to life via a puppet is super impressive (props to Frank Oz, what a legend). Bespin / Cloud City is such a cool and unique location. Darth Vader is still an awesome villain and gets more depth in this film. Features one of the greatest lines and (at the time) plot twists in cinema history ("No, I am your father!"). Boba Fett being awesome! Han freakin' Solo again ("I know").ROTJ: Gotta love Jabba the Hutt, everyone's favourite space mobster. Luke's green lightsaber > Luke's blue lightsaber. Epic Leia is epic (strangling Jabba to death). Speeder bike chase + Battle of Endor is pure spectacle and I love it. The Throne Room scene is a great showdown and I love how menacing Palpatine is; dude borders on nightmare fuel at times. Anakin finally brings balance to the Force!TFA: Like ANH, it does a great job of introducing the main characters (Rey, Finn, Poe). BB-8 is freaking adorable! Kylo Ren is a very interesting and complex villain and Adam Driver does a great job portraying him. I love Finn and I wish we would have seen him kick more ass in this trilogy. Feels the most like classic SW out of the three sequels.TLJ: The visuals are breathtaking. Without a doubt Mark Hamill's best performance as Luke to date. The film is very divisive and I get why, but I genuinely love a lot of the creative decisions RJ has made. Seeing Yoda return was awesome! Force Skype was an interesting concept and I like how it was explored. Daisy and Adam have a great chemistry. Easily my favourite film in the ST. Porgs are adorable (don't kill me).TROS: Whatever you think of their decision to bring back Palpatine, seeing McDiarmid return was awesome. The Death Star ruins + final lightsaber duel were pretty cool. That Han Solo scene was some genuinely stellar writing & a great callback to TFA. It's nice that we got some cool Sith lore. I'm happy that Reylo is canon (again, please don't kill me).R1: Some of the fight scenes (especially the ground battles on Scarif) were pretty amazing.Solo: Despite my initial doubts, Alden Ehrenreich did a really good job playing Han. Seeing how Han and Chewie met was a cute moment.P.S.: I didn't mention John Williams, because his scores were phenomenal in all 9 episodes! I hope we can all agree on that.I'd love to read your positives. Remember, all opinions are valid, so no fighting please! :) via /r/StarWars

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