Monday, November 21, 2022

Andor is an absolute triumph & you’re missing out if you’ve not watched it.

With a single episode to go, it’s apparent that Andor is a triumph. I think it eclipses any other limited series that Disney has released to date, but that’s just my opinion.The series has delivered a grittiness not seen since Rogue One. The performances are first rate and they are working with incredible writing. Stellan Skarsgård delivers the most memorable monologue since I-don’t-know-when. It was amazing seeing Forest Whitaker reprise his Saw Gerrera role. Andy Serkis as Kino Loy delivers a powerful performance too.The real surprise has been the emotion in the series. Beautiful and deep scenes with characters like Mon Mothma, Bix Caleel, Kino and Lonni Jung. It’s hit me deep in the feels! Even the struggles of a wanna-be imperial bureaucrat are compelling.Andor is Star Wars for grown-ups. I know that sounds condescending and like gate keeping, but that’s the reality. The series is slow, deliberate and deep.I don’t know the point of this post, but if you’ve slept on this series or skipped it for some reason I urge you to reconsider and enjoy! Cheers 🍻 via /r/StarWars

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