Friday, August 27, 2021

Im sorry but, I'm getting sick of people saying they would have preferred the Plo Koon ending to the Mandolorian finale

I'm gonna get down voted like hell for this because at the end of the day, people are entitled to their own opinion and this is a pretty big opinion, but for some reason it's really annoying me that people are saying that the Mandolorian finale should have had Plo Koon instead of Luke.For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, let me explain. It was revealed recently that to keep Luke Skywalkers cameo a secret, the show runners wrote an alternative script that had Plo Koon showing up at the end of the episode and taking Grogu with him, instead of Luke. Something similar was done during the making of The Empire Strikes Back when George Lucas made everyone behind the scenes believe that the big twist was that Obi-wan killed Luke's father.Anyway I've been seeing lots of comments and articles saying they would have preferred the Plo Koon ending, and at first I thought "yeah, fine, whatever". But they just don't stop and it's gotten me pissed. On what universe would Plo Koon have been preferable to Luke? For starters, this ending actually helps further develop Disney Canon Luke and justifies his reasons for his actions in The Last Jedi just a little bit more. Imagine Luke taking in Grogu and having to witness that whole tear jerking goodbye, then imagine doing that again, and again, and again and then because he acted on his anger like he used to for a second, every one of those kids died a horrible death. He didn't just let down all of his mentors (as well as his best friend and sister for indirectly sending their son down a dark path), but people like Din, who trusted him in taking their young to be in his care, and not only did he break that trust, he also sent Kylo down a dark path which he swore to destroy decades earlier. The Plo Koon ending however? Yay, woo hoo, Plo's alive 😐Also may I need to remind you that we swore Plo Koon die? Even if he had a parachute, he would have been shot down, but he likely didn't even have a chance to use it because we literally see him blow up, a Mace Windu ending would have made more sense (slightly more sense, not a lot). Remember when we saw Palpatine die? And remember when he came back? That Ha a justified explanation (cloning technology) and it still sucked, so how would this be any better?But I also can't help but wonder, imagine an alternative universe where we did get the Plo Koon ending and people found out a Luke Skywalker ending was scrapped, the exact same thing would have happened.Luke's ending actually makes sense, which is why the finale ended the way it did. In my opinion the reason as to why people want the Plo Koon ending so bad is because it sparks their imagination.I'm welcome to discuss in the comments, it’s not impossible to have my mind changed, but I'm pretty sold on my argument. via /r/StarWars

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