Sunday, August 29, 2021

I did it guys, I finally did it.

I finally watched The Rise of Skywalker.I had been putting it off for literally years after I heard how bad it was and boy, did it live up to that.What. A. Bad. Film. Where do I even begin?! So much did not make sense. I had already heard Rey was a Palpatine so that didn’t shock me. Even if I hadn’t of heard the spoiler I still would have thought wtf?! The whole Rey killing Kylo. Rey healing him cause she felt bad for Leia, then he comes back and throws his lightsaber away and is just Ben. Luke’s X-Wing just being submerged for however long and just rises up and just flys off into the sunset like all is jolly. The X-Wing just happened to plug into the wayfinder thingy and just able to decifer complex sith code. I thought it was bad when Leia went on a nice space flight in TLJ with no suits or anything. But nah, TROS did one better, fucking horses.I just don’t get it. It’s a convoluted mess. The sequel trilogy had so much potential and this is what we get. I wonder what my life would have been like if I kept the movie a mystery and just not had seen it, now I’ve got this gripe about how bad it was. I will get over it eventually, but jeez I dunno what to say. This almost makes Game of Thrones season 8 look good and we all know how bad that was too.Cheers. via /r/StarWars

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