Monday, January 2, 2017

The saddest story in Star Wars isn't Anakin's or Obi-Wan's, its the Clones.

They were literally bred to die, their sole purpose of existence was to fight in a war that hadn't even started when they were born. They didn't have the freedom to choose, they were given military training when they were practically infants, and raised up until adulthood to be soldiers. Not to mention that they were also robbed of a lot of their lives. Even if by some miracle they managed to survive the wars, they only had half a human lifespan to live, aging twice as fast as normal humans. Heck, the only Clone that managed to live anything close to a normal life is Cut Lawquane, and he was a deserter. (ignoring all the clones ingloriously retired after the Empire took over). via /r/StarWars

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