Sunday, December 1, 2019

Unpopular(?) Opinion: The Mandalorian is a better show for releasing episodes one at a time

Ok hear me out, I wish I could binge it all the same as everyone else, but I actually really love that they’re just doing it week by week.My main reason, is that this causes speculation and discussion about the show that other shows now don’t have. When there’s a new Stranger Things season, people binge the whole thing immediately and talk about it for 2 or 3 days. The first episode of the mandalorian was 3 weeks ago now and people are still talking about it a lot. And not only are they talking about it, they’re discussing theories and hopes and so much stuff that benefits the show and the fans.You can say all you want that this is just Disney making sure people don’t watch it all in their free trial, and you’d probably be right, but that doesn’t change the fact that this show has caused more positive discussion than any piece of Star Wars media maybe even since the OT. And by that I don’t mean it’s the best thing since the OT, I just mean that this is the first thing since then that fans seem to agree on, and talk about speculation and theories rather than just fighting about it. The week by week format is causing this to be a constant point of positive discussion rather than just something you think about for a few days. Yes it’s frustrating, but I think this format is definitely better than the alternative.TL;DR: the show has kept Star Wars fans having constant, healthy discussions for 3 weeks now rather than fighting or praising just for a couple days after the release. via /r/StarWars

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