Sunday, December 29, 2019

Something funny I've noticed about this fanbase (The Mandalorian and Rise Of Skywalker spoilers)

Maybe it's me not being on this sub so much, maybe it's my group of friends and who I converse with, maybe it's how I enjoy ancillary media. But I have not seen a single person complain that a fucking baby is able to do all the stuff with the force, but lord forbid Rey move a couple rocks lol. Someone that's now decently trained holds back a small shuttle from leaving, and it's a panic but a baby can lift a freaking space rhino and it's all good. Rey fixes a gash and a hole in someone and it's all "this ability could've been use before derrrrrrrr" but baby yoda comes along and does it and it's an amazing thing. Is this just something people aren't talking about or is this just not being brought up in my circles. Thoughts? Mind you I am genuinely asking why is no one like really talking about this or is it something that people are just ignoring. via /r/StarWars

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