Sunday, October 23, 2022

The "lack of a sequel trilogy plan" was not the cause of TLJ's slow-speed fleet chase or Canto Bight plots

I think we can all agree that it was terrible of Disney to launch a new trilogy of movies without even a basic plan for how it would play out.And certainly, that lack of a plan can be blamed for inconsistent themes and characterizations for Luke, Rey, Kylo, Snoke, etc. across all three movies.But in the wake of this week's news about Rian Johnson's possible trilogy, I've seen some commenters using "there was no sequel plan" as an excuse for any and all of The Last Jedi's alleged issues.Usually TLJ praise is in the form of, "I liked everything with Rey and Kylo" and "the Holdo Maneuver looked cool" and "Rian wanted to democratize Force sensitivity." And these are all valid reasons to praise the movie!But even The Last Jedi's biggest fans rarely claim to enjoy the slow-speed fleet chase. I don't think I've ever seen praise for the Canto Bight sequence. I don't recall anyone saying that the Hux prank call sequence was a great way to begin the movie, nor do I remember hearing anybody say they loved how the "master codebreaker" sidequest was foiled by Finn and Rose parking in the wrong spot -- only to coincidentally meet another slicer (one who can and does do the same job) in their prison cell.All of these elements were purely invented and controlled by Rian Johnson, and were not dependent on a trilogy plan being there or not. Maybe you liked them. Maybe you didn't. But if Rian Johnson gets his own trilogy, don't be surprised if you get more prank calls and Canto Bights and crazy coincidences amidst all the more thoughtful, challenging plot beats he might include. via /r/StarWars

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