Sunday, October 23, 2022

"Smile." Genevieve O'Reilly deserves an Emmy nomination for her masterful acting as Mon Mothma in Andor.

Always one of my favorite characters ever since I first watched ROTJ, I felt that Mon Mothma was never really given her due before Rogue One. Watching O'Reilly play the character again in Andor is stunning because she knows how to use the exact amount of subtlety and nuance to play a character torn in so many directions (both personally and professionally), while showing how she's still resolute in spite of her choices. She is incredibly wise and so razor sharp in her verbal takedowns; kind but unwavering and unwilling to suffer fools, even if one is her layabout dork husband in Jedi robes.The writing on the show gives her a lot to work with, but her talent as an actor is what makes that writing shine.I really really hope she gets some awards recognition next year, hopefully. Until then, whenever she's on screen as Mon Mothma, I just smile :) via /r/StarWars

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