Sunday, July 3, 2022

Just rewatched Visions' "The Ninth Jedi": this should be basis of the next trilogy

(Spoilers for any who haven't seen it!)In a mere 25 minutes, "The Ninth Jedi" masterfully established a brand new chapter in the SW universe: a far-flung future where the secrets of lightsaber building have been lost, and the Sith and Jedi are both attempting to rebuild their orders.Watching it, I'm reminded of just how much is still out there in the SW universe, how many worlds still unexplored and adventures waiting to be had.The thought of a trilogy being unhindered by the past, completely free from the continuity of previous SW works, is extremely exciting.Think about what Bioware was able to do with KotoR under similar circumstances...Whether or not you enjoy the current shows set around the Skywalker saga, I think we can all agree that a brand new SW adventure is long overdue. via /r/StarWars

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