Sunday, June 26, 2022

One thing I picked up from the series is that people need to stop injuring others and then leaving them for dead. If you haven't watched them die, they're probably not dead.

Obi Wan did it to Anakin at the end of RotS and spent ten years believing that he was dead. Obviously he intended for him to die. But he didn't, and it turned out that the crazy, powerful, Jedi-hunting Sith Lord terrorising the galaxy was Anakin.Lesson learnt? Nope, he does the exact same thing again, leaving Anakin to continue his reign of terror despite knowing what he has become. Anything that Vader does now is partially Obi Wan's responsibility.Anakin buried Obi Wan in rocks and left him to die. He was winning the fight, and if he had just checked that Obi Wan was actually dead he could have done so. But no, he allowed Obi Wan the chance to escape and sneak up on him. He then lost the fight and could have been killed.Reva stabbed the Grand Inquisitor in exactly the same way she was stabbed as a child and survived. She knew that it was possible to survive such a wound, whether through dark side powers or not, so she really should have made sure that she followed through. Leaving him alive ended up being part of her undoing.I'm not sure if Anakin really intended to Kill Reva the second time or not, but leaving her alive almost inadvertently led to the death of the son he didn't yet know he had. If she had gone through with the murder of Luke, and if she had told him about it (which I assume she would, otherwise it's a pretty pathetic revenge) then he would have regretted not killing her properly.I know it looks cool to dramatically walk away from somebody on the floor... But really? via /r/StarWars

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