Saturday, June 25, 2022

Hayden Christensen is getting a well-deserved resurgence of support from the Star Wars fandom. But he's not the only one who deserves it. There's one other character I'd like to see come back in a more serious, mature way: Jar Jar Binks.

In light of Hayden Christensen seeing a revival with fans for coming back as Anakin Skywalker, one other actor who deserves redemption in the eyes of the fandom is Ahmed Best. The least the fandom (and Lucas owe him) is six episodes. And honestly, it could be modeled after something like Star Trek: Picard, Logan, or The Last Jedi as an older, wiser, more mature Jar Jar wrestles with his role in the fall of the Republic. How much was he manipulated, and how much did he actively choose the role? Watch the character struggle with deeply human, universal experiences of guilt, shame, grief, and regret as he tries to find new meaning in a galaxy gone mad. via /r/StarWars

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