Sunday, January 27, 2019

Darth Plagueis by James Luceno is the secret ingredient to enjoying The Phantom Menace as a smart, gritty, politics heavy epic.

Sorry in advance, I just wanted to gush a bit about the book! I’ve always enjoyed The Phantom Menace since seeing it as a teenager but after reading this (twice now!) the events of the film carry so much more meaning. Luceno has cleverly structured his story to set up the simmering evil of the Sith and work its fingers into the potentially throwaway political moments of TPM whilst thoroughly fleshing out Palpatine’s secret corruption of the Senate. I love how he’s given Amidala a genuinely oppressive pair of hidden enemies and added so much great Sith lore to the events of surrounding the film. If you’re at all curious and enjoyed Star Wars books as a kid or the plot of the old Dark Forces and KOTOR games then please give it a go! via /r/StarWars

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