Sunday, December 2, 2018

I just completed watching Original Trilogy and Prequel Trilogy for the first time

What I love about these movies is, nobody's too powerful like superheroes. Everybody has reasonable power and they aren't crazy, including master Yoda. Even though he is respected so much in the Jedis, he isn't crazy powerful. At first, I was disappointed by this but then I accepted it. This is one of the reason why I loved this series so far.In Prequel Trilogy, I think they should have showed Anakin less obvious as Darth Vader, at least in the beginning of the trilogy.In the beginning this young kid starts off as a great young one and in the very next episode he is a complete asshole. The transition should have been a little smoother, I think.When I asked people in the internet last year(yes, I have been planning to watch this series since last year), they(some) said, the 'big reveals' aren't that important but I actually enjoyed them.I hate that my first language isn't English, so I could have missed a lot of "meaning" here and there but if I watch them again, hopefully I ll get most of them.Overall, I have enjoyed them all a lot so far.About to watch The force awakens and The last Jedi. Very excited!Thanks for your time. :)Edit: May the force be with you.Edit2: Also, also, the scene where master Yoda opens his Lightsaber for the first time in the series, man, I loved it. It was so cool!! I watched it again and again few times. via /r/StarWars

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