Sunday, December 30, 2018

Why couldn't the Sequels deliver a new conflict a la the Clone Wars?

The conflict drawn up in the PT between Republic and seperatist forces, clones vs droids, Jedi as generals, and the Sith as puppetmasters was an entirely new one. Sure we knew the term Clone Wars since 1977 but nobody knew what they were about. Lucas delivered in creating a brand new conflict different from the OT and had unique dynamics, vehicles, battles and soldiers.Why couldn't the ST do something new when it came to the "war" aspect? Why did it have to be a repeat of the Rebels vs Empire both in aesthetics as well as story? Why not rebuilt Republic vs small but dangerous terrorist insurgency? Why not some unique new soldier types like the clones were? Or a significant new threat or weapon. Why couldn't they, in particular J.J. Abrahams, simply invent a new chapter in Star Wars history? Why does it seem like filmmakers have resigned to thinking Star Wars has already been defined and no new elements can be added to it , just remixing?There's such a vast pool of pulp B movies/comics/serials, where inspiration can be drawn from like Lucas did, and tweak it a bit to fit into Star Wars. Clones are a completely B movie idea too but it worked. via /r/StarWars

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