Friday, November 30, 2018

I know it’s an unpopular opinion but after rewatching TLJ recently, I still really like what they did with Snoke

I felt that his character was kind of uninteresting and just a retread of what we had seen with the Emperor in the original trilogy. I really love that they used him as a device for Kylo’s development, allowing Kylo to do the thing that Vader held off from doing for the longest time.The sequence with Snoke’s death and the fight afterward is one of my favorite scenes in the saga and I understand the complaints that his character was under developed or worthless but I just didn’t see it that way. I don’t see how his arc is any different than the emperor’s in some regards, and people didn’t mind the way he was developed in the original trilogy. We meet him in Empire and he only appears as a hologram and then in RotJ, he doesn’t really do much other than try to coax Luke into turning evil for his limited screen time before being killed by his apprentice.The main difference here is that TLJ chose to get rid of Snoke earlier in the story but in my opinion, it does a great job of showcasing Kylo’s strength and ambition and it really leaves me eager to see where Kylo will end up at the end of episode IX.I know there are still fights over this movie constantly but I loved it the first time I saw it, and I genuinely love all the Star Wars films, even the prequels and Solo and this one. I am glad Disney learned a lesson with these last two and are going to slow down and regroup but I’m still really excited about IX and The Mandalorian and whatever else they end up giving us in the future as long as they handle it with care. via /r/StarWars

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