Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Does anyone think that the sequels sort of have the opposite problems that the prequels did?

In my opinion, the best part of the prequel trilogy was its overall plot. Palpatine's master plan to take over the galaxy, the fall of the Jedi, and Anakin's journey towards Darth Vader were all great story elements that I cared about. The problem was with its execution; the writing was pretty bad, there was hardly any meaningful character development, etc.Conversely, the sequels so far have done much better in terms of writing, character development, direction, and other technical aspects. The problem here is that I don't find the overall plot to be that interesting. The sequels have some great characters new and old, but the conflict they have to deal with is pretty much the same one we already saw in the OT.Bottom line: the prequels were a great idea executed poorly, while the sequels are a not that great idea executed well.Disclaimer: I don't dislike either the prequels or sequels. I enjoy all the main series Star Wars movies, but they all have their problems. Except for A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, which don't have any problems. via /r/StarWars https://ift.tt/2RcMJUk

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