Sunday, April 29, 2018

Why Kylo Really Hates Luke

So I re-watched The Last Jedi the other day (while under the influence, I should add), and I came to a realization about the nature of Kylo and Luke's relationship. During the battle of Crait, when Kylo says "I want... every gun we have to fire on that man," he says it with pure contempt. Now, on a superficial level, it's pretty obvious why Kylo should hate Luke: he ignited his lightsaber in his hut while Kylo slept and contemplated killing him.But there's more to it, I believe. Kylo really hates Luke because he is the man who stole his childhood--his chance at a normal life--by taking him on as a pupil, and developing the powers that made him a target for exploitation by Snoke. Is it ever suggested that Kylo even wanted to train with Luke in the first place? The way Luke describes it, it almost sounds like he conscripted Kylo into service.We also know that Kylo didn't harbor the same hatred for his parents--and probably even loved them both at some point. He refused to kill Leia when he had the opportunity, and even though he did kill Han, we saw how difficult that was for him, and anyway, he later admits in The Last Jedi that he didn't hate him. It seems like any resentment he has of them is related to their consent in Luke taking him under his wing. Perhaps Kylo wishes they had stood up to Luke so that everything could've been avoided. Luke, in Kylo's mind, is responsible for all the terrible things that have happened in his life.Kylo believes he is past help, any yet he still feels the pull to the light. The only way for him to snuff this out is by "killing the past." But in The Last Jedi we see that this is not only impossible, but that it is not in fact what he really wants. Look at his despairing expression when Han's dice disappear from his hand. He suddenly realizes that he belongs to no one and nowhere. He has, in a sense, turned himself into Rey--looking for belonging and meaning, unable to find it. It is why they feel such an intrinsic connection. The only difference is Kylo had that belonging in his past, but he lost it. To him, Luke will always be responsible for that. via /r/StarWars

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