Friday, November 24, 2017

I HIGHLY recommend watching The Phantom Menace from the perspective of someone who has never seen Star Wars.

I'm rewatching all the films to get ready for The Last Jedi (of course), and I just got done with Episode 1. Since I'm doing a chronological order rewatch, I decided to do something different: watch the story unfold as if I was a first time viewer- as if I had just picked up a book titled "Star Wars" and the first page just happened to be a about a pair of Jedi Warriors on a diplomacy mission to Naboo.......Oh man, it made this movie way more fun. I know for myself personally, when I watch TPM as a "prequel", I'm purely watching it in context of the original trilogy- and that's honestly a less satisfying way to watch this movie. There's so much here that exists for its own sake, apart from any connections to the rest of the saga. So rather than waiting impatiently for the relevant bits that foreshadow the OT, I was just letting this story unfold on its own terms, if that makes any sense.And once you can do that, it's actually a pretty fun and interesting story. The immediate conflict has moderately high stakes- we're talking about the fate of a planet, after all- but there's also constant hints towards an even larger conflict on the horizon. You're not totally sure who these Jedi or Sith are, or what his "chosen one" stuff is all about, but it becomes clear that whatever our characters have been drawn into is much more than just a trade dispute.And even beyond the big story beats, its really cool watching all the little details and visuals from the perspective of someone who has no pre-knowledge; all the "stuff" of the Star Wars world that we take for granted becomes a series of delightful little discoveries. Anyways, I definitely recommend it. via /r/StarWars

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