Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Just realized something about Obi-Wan's 'high ground' comment to Anakin

"It's over Anakin, I have the high ground". I think we'd all agree this is Obi-Wan begging Anakin not to try it because as the basic rules of dueling/warfare/etc. go, the party on the high ground will ALWAYS win. Obi-Wan is telling Anakin that abilities aside, the laws of physics (even Force physics) are on his side.Very, very sound advice. Except that the only instance of an apprentice winning from the low ground is Obi-Wan in the duel against Darth Maul. Maul slicing his lightsaber to create the sparks that fall on Obi-Wan in the scene effectively convey the same message: "It's over, I have the high ground."However, Obi-Wan returns from a significant disadvantage (one far worse than Anakin was in when Obi-Wan told him not to try it) to slice Maul in half.It made the scene even heavier for me realizing that Obi-Wan isn't just telling Anakin not to try it, but that as powerful as Anakin thinks he may be, Obi-Wan is still the master and superior duelist. Even if Obi-Wan had had the lower ground he'd still have won.Obi-Wan will ALWAYS have won that duel. He orchestrated the duel so that Anakin could have forfeited on a technicality and saved face/retreated, essentially telling him "it's impossible to win this fight from the low ground, no Jedi could". Except one. via /r/StarWars

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