Tuesday, February 28, 2017

[No Spoilers] How much of the criticism directed at Aftermath is due to the story, as opposed to the writing style?

The Aftermath books have received a lot hate for their writing style. And having read the same chapter for the first book, I agree. But with so many people criticising the tense that the book is written in it's overshadowing a lot of discussion on the quality of the actual story.To be completely honest, I'm more interested in having some questions on how the Empire fell apart post-Endor answered rather than getting a particularly well-written book.So, writing aside, what's the story like? Is it believable? Is it a suitable send-off for the Empire?Without spoiling anything, what sort of information do we find out about the state of the galaxy after ROTJ, how much groundwork is laid for the sequel trilogy, and is that stuff any good? via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2m4DcC3

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