Sunday, March 19, 2023

Any thoughts, theories or actual novel information into why Obi-Wan made the choice to jump in the middle of a very large droid army to kill General Grievous on Utapau?

In most of the canon content I've seen (mostly The Clone Wars show and some books) General Grievous is calculated and deadly and uses Palpatine's advice he gives to Vader and and kill your enemy using any means you are able to. Don't fight like the Jedi, there is no honor, glory or any such things as "cheating" when you are fighting to the death. There is only winning....or death.This makes sense for the "bad guys" in Star Wars. Sometimes their pride, vanity and overconfidence gets the best of them though I'll admit.But Grievous makes great tactical retreats and lives to fight another day. He uses his droids effectively even while battling and killing other Jedi, and when he did fight Obi-Wan a few times and in ROTS on the ship, he uses his droids a lot and unexpected moves because he HAS to against magic space wizards.But he does end up having to retreat most often. WHY IN THE FUCK DOES HE DECIDE TO FIGHT Obi-Wan one vs one while a huge part of his droid army stands around them in a circle with their dicks in their hands? It just seems so against everything he has done until that point. All he had to say was "open fire" and watch and laugh as Obi-Wan dies, he cannot fight that entire hanger full of droids.ALSO, Obi-Wan is smart and calculated too. How did he know Greivous would actually one vs one him instead of just destroying him so easily. What am I missing here?My thoughts: maybe Obi-Wan's precognition ability or sensitive to feelings and emotions told him grevious would make this mistake.But why, in this very desperate hour with Dooku killed and him trying to regroup, would risk it all to do this? For the honor? They are the only two sentient beings in that whole fucking hanger, no one is fucking watching this. His pride? Didn't stop him from using all advantages in every fight until that my dudes? Let me know your thoughts. via /r/StarWars

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