Sunday, July 10, 2022

Yoda Sense Anakins Divided Mind

Interesting detail i noticed the other day. In the scene where Obi, Anakin and Padme are on the transport ship and Padme falls off. Obi and Anakin argue back and forth eventually Anakin acknowledges Padme would do her duty if she was in his situation. The next shot cuts to Yoda commanding the battle field and you see him sense something with the force. He immediately asks for a transport ship and later shows up to save Obi and Anakin from Dooku.So basically Yoda is sitting there doing his general thing and is like alright that's cool over there, that section of the battles going well, Obi and Anakin should be able to take Dooku if they work together...wait crap! Anakins distracted. He's gonna mess it up. I'd better go save them.Really speaks to how easily a Jedi can be nerfed when their mind is divided. via /r/StarWars

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