Monday, March 7, 2022

Why was Johnson given so much creative control over Last Jedi?

I want to make this absolutely clear. I'm not making this post to bash Last Jedi or Rian Johnson. I have nothing against Rian Johnson. I think he's a good filmmaker even if I'm not a big fan of Last Jedi myself. I'm asking this in an effort to get a clear picture.So...there seems to be this recurring trend with Star Wars behind the scenes ever since the Disney buyout."Creative Differences".Abrams and his production company BadRobot reportedly fought a lot with Lucasfilm during the development of Force Awakens and Rise of Skywalker. We know for a fact one of the disagreements was over blowing up Courscant or not.Gareth Edwards got replaced with Tony Gilroy for reshoots on Rogue One after Disney wasn't satisfied with the original version.Phill Lord and Christopher Millar wanted Solo to be a comedy akin to Guardians of the Galaxy whereas Lucasfilm wanted a drama.Collin Trevorrow was fired from Episode 9 reportedly because he couldn't come up with a script Lucasfilm liked.And most recently Rogue Squadron was delayed(Although it might be back on track). The official story seems to be it's because of Patty Jenkin's busy schedule but other reports suggest Lucasfim's micromanagement style is discouraging her from working on the film.But there's one big exception to this.Rian Johnson and the Last Jedi.All reports seem to indicate Johnson was basically given complete creative control on the film. (Some would say too much creative control but that's not the point here). But this doesn't fit the pattern we have established here. Why was Johnson allowed to roll with it but no one else was?Some would say it's because of the backlash to Last Jedi that made Lucasfilm want to have tighter creative control, except that can't be true. Phil Lord and Christopher Miller were fired from Solo before Last Jedi came out.Is it because it was the sequel era which was an open book? Well no that can't be it because Abrams had issues with Lucasfilm management as well.The only thing I can think of is that Lucasfilm wanted Johnson to become the main creative force of the movies going forward so they gave him full control so he'd be more willing to accept that position. It's also possibly why they announced a trilogy helmed by him before Last Jedi even came out. After the Last Jedi backlash though they had to reconsider their plans.Again I'm not doing any of this to bash Lucasfilm, Johnson, or Last Jedi. I'm just a fan trying to figure out how this all fits together. via /r/StarWars

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