Sunday, July 25, 2021

Temuera Morrison should return as Cody in the Obi-wan show

Commander Cody started the Clone Wars cartoon as a pretty important character, but he's since been pretty sidelined. I think that's a shame; Cody was the first Clone to be humanized, and in the prequels themselves the only Clone we see with any sort of personality. He's a pretty important part of Obi-wan's circle, and he's the most major Clone whose empire-era fate we don't really know; presumably he survived Utapau, but what did he actually do when his inhibitor chip wore off and the Empire decommissioned the Clones? I think that it would be cool to see the Obi-wan show answer that question and pair Kenobi up with his old partner from the Clone Wars. I also think that the character dynamics would be very interesting. We've seen Clones after Order 66, but all of the ones we've really been with did not turn on their Jedi and were able to escape serving the Empire. Cody, though, obviously didn't; he was forced to blast Obi-wan away, and presumably believed that he murdered him. I think that exploring how a Clone no longer brainwashed by the inhibitor chip would come to terms with the guilt of what he was forced to do is an excellent story for Star Wars to tell, and a new angle on Order 66. I also think that Cody's feelings of guilt would be a good parallel for Obi-wan's guilt about being unable to prevent Anakin's fall. Overall I think Cody in a supporting role would add a lot both to the Obi-wan show and the Star Wars universe as a whole. via /r/StarWars

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