Sunday, May 2, 2021

" ... if there is only one name in the Star Wars saga, that is actually synonymous with heroism, democracy, freedom, resistance and everything else that Rey values, it's Organa not Skywalker."

The above quote is from Just Write's video on ROTS. Timestamp 10:10.He is talking from an in universe perspective, I think he is correct. Leia fought the Empire before Luke, was a central part of it for years, was part of the New Republic, fought again when the New Republic wouldn't and died still fighting.Before her, her father fought for the same things.Her bio father had a great rep in the Clone Wars but later spend 20 years as the attack dog of the Empire.Her brother, while a legendary hero, was not involved in the post war government, disapeared after the destruction of the temple and never returns. His force projection does save the day though.So my question is, in universe, is the name Organa far more heroic than Skywalker?Should the name Organa be treated like Skywalker by the fans?edit. Spelling via /r/StarWars

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