Sunday, April 25, 2021

Episode 7 ruined the sequels.

I honestly think that the many problems with the sequels originate from episode 7’s lack of originality. Say what you will about the prequels, but they managed to expand the world and lore in a good way - they accomplished this by taking risks, they didn’t just reuse the same old format that worked for 4, 5 and 6, they did something new. Now, let’s talk about the sequels..Episode 7 is just a rebooted version of episode 4, same type of villain, same design when it comes to assets (e.g. stormtroopers) and even the same goddamn plot. I see a lot of people justifying this lack of originality by saying that “it’s a good way to ease people back into the franchise”, but that’s just stupid in my opinion. How was Rian Johnson supposed to expand the world and lore in any meaningful way, when all of the assets from 7 was just repainted versions of the originals? Now don’t get me wrong, 8 is a very bad movie, but at least it took risks.The same problem (plus way more) is present in 9, but the franchise was as good as doomed at that point, so I won’t be going into detail about that here.Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. via /r/StarWars

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