Sunday, August 30, 2020

Most underrated SW film

Hi guys i just wanted to ask what SW film you find you like outside of popular opinion/is underrated in your eyes.For me its Rogue One. IK alot dont like it but for me its exactly what you would want in a direct prequel to episode 4. The story makes sense (they build a massive space station with Galen Erso being a integral part and when he realises its a superweapon he quits setting them back over a decade). The character relationships make sense imo, they never truly trust Jyn Erso but they realise they need her to help find Galen to kill him so that the Empire can never reacquire him to speed up the building process of the superweapon, and theres real tension all the time in the rebellion, which makes sense as multiple rebel cells of different beliefs and cultures are never going to get along all the time. I also like this movie because its free of any plot armour. similar to why Avengers Infinity War was so good, the main heroes could die, yes they escaped with the plans after THAT vader scene but that made sense, vader was slowed by his suit so he couldnt just run after them. But there was no insane unrealistic part on the ground assault, the heroes could die, and for me personally that makes a very good movie most of the time because it feels more real and makes more sense. Also, that vader scene is probably my favourite star wars scene. Just over a minute of vader tearing everyone down not stopping at all, with the rebels desperate to get the plans on board the shuttle safely. It also makes new hope better i think because until you watch rogue one i feel you dont really appreciate how valuable those plans are for the rebels.Idk mabye i went on for a bit too long there but its defo one of my fav SW films and severly underrated by most IMO. via /r/StarWars

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