Sunday, May 31, 2020

Just watched rise of skywalker for the first time.

I was abysmally disappointed with last jedi and force awakens for reasons I won't get into, that's a different discussion. I had heard reviews of the rise of skywalker and didn't want to go in with a bad mentality. So I waited. I waited until the buzz died down, and I basically forgot all the negative reviews. I went in with zero expectations. And I was still disappointed. It's cheesy, poorly written, too convenient (easily finding the clue Luke was looking for for years?), and just unoriginal. Not to mention a little ridiculous in the force power department, with the teleporting items and phantom fights.If you enjoyed it, I'm glad, I don't want to ruin that for you, this is just my personal opinion. But to me this was the biggest pile of steaming bantha dung that Disney has ever produced. via /r/StarWars

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