Monday, February 4, 2019

On opinions.

Things are getting out of hand when it comes to people, toxicity and opinions, and this sub's reputation is suffering because of it. Loving a movie is fine, disliking a movie is also fine. As long as you voice your opinion in a civilized manner then all will be cool. What's not cool is being a dick to someone that doesn't share your opinion. Billy Joe hates TLJ, he has a right to hate it if he wants, that doesn't give you a pass to be a dick to Billy Joe just because you think TLJ should be a multi Oscar winner. But that door swings both ways, Billy Joe has no right to be a dick to others for disagreeing with him, as long as the disagreeing is done in a civilized way.The toxicity ends now. If you can't converse in a civilized manner, then we don't want you here.So in short, keep criticism constructive and keep responses to criticism constructive.On a more positive note, we passed 900K subscribers recently. Next stop One Million dollars Subscribers!Edit: putting this back at the top of the sub, since people are already forgetting about it. via /r/StarWars

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