Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Rebels 4.05 "The Occupation" and 4.06 "Flight of the Defender" Discussion Thread

Since apparently they aren't being made automatically feel free to post your thoughts about the latest Rebels episodes here.Personally I though these were two strong episodes. Going back to a Lothal overtaken and ravaged by the Empire feels right for the final season. The visuals of the burnt planet along with Kevin Kiner's score made for a compelling scene. Also really liked the score in Flight of the Defender when Ezra was helped by the Lothwolf. And the visuals of Ezra flying the Defender through the rock formations and taking out the other TIEs were great too. And there were more personal moments like the scenes between Rex and Kallus or Kanan and Hera.No big complaints from me. I wonder if they'll stay on Lothal till some big mid-season climax. via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2yZx8z9

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