Tuesday, July 4, 2017

TV show idea: Coruscant Underworld

After the conclusion of 'Rebels' this season, I believe the new television show should focus on the pre-TPM era, with a special look at the vast underworld of the capital planet, Coruscant. While 'The Clone Wars' touched here and there on this region, the entire subterranean portion of the capital is perfect for an animated show, or even live action.We could watch the Jedi in their prime; bring in Qui-Gon and his new Padawan Obi-Wan; find out more who Dex is (from Dex's Diner in AoTC), and even explore galactic politics before the rise of Palpatine. And like the later seasons of TCW, touch on some hot issues too, such as wealth vs. poverty, privilege vs. oppression, etc. The show could be more along the lines of a classic film noir, although it could be taken in many different directions.Overall, I feel that the largest and most socio-cultural diverse planet in the series would make for a good television show. And having the Jedi and Senate explore the vast underworlds of the capital seems like a great adventure, as well.What do you all think? via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2tndGJV

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