Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A theory I just thought of: Anakin represents the flood from flood myths.

So from the Clone Wars we saw the episodes where Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Asoka ended up with those force users that represented the Dark, the Light, and the balance. And at the end the Father tells Anakin that he will do to the galaxy what he did here, bring balance. Later on with Revenge of the Sith we see him bring "balance" by evening out the Sith and Jedi to just himself, Sidious, Obi-Wan, and Yoda (not including other Jedi or Sith for the sake of simplicity).What if Anakin's role wasn't necessarily to bring balance, and that was just a risreading of the prophecy like Yoda said it could be in Ep3. What if the force (playing the part of God) saw how Darth Plagueis was manipulating the force and decided that creating Anakin was the Force's version of creating the flood? The galaxy has seen 3 sith empires, many civil wars with both Jedi and sith, mandalorian wars, wars with the Hutts, etc. What if the Clone Wars were meant to be so big that the waves of the flood start to ripple withing Anakin, and like the flood, he ends up going down the path that would destroy NEARLY all Jedi and in Ep6 kills NEARLY all Sith.So essentially he is the flood because he isn't meant to end on group of the other, or even bring balance per se, but to kill off enough of them that neither side has any real power. And like the flood destroying nearly everything, Anakin is essentially the Force's way of telling the Jedi and Sith to chill the fuck down with all the constant wars.So I don't know exactly how to explain it, but I hope I did a decent enough job. Disclaimer: Pretty much every religion has a flood myth, so I'm not specifically talking about the Abrahamic God. via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2tmwlpf

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