Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Why it's important that Luke (not Rey) rebuilds the Jedi Order.

Some people are under the impression that Luke will just train Rey and it'll ultimately be her who goes on to rebuild the Jedi Order (or whatever it ends up being called). While this may actually happen, I think it would be a mistake. Why? Because it really diminishes Luke as a character.At the end of the OT, Luke's brightest days were ahead of him. Anakin was ultimately the Chosen One (who would destroy the Sith), but LUKE was the one who was going to put the galaxy back together (by bringing the Jedi back). Ultimately, Luke only has ONE "active" (as in him personally doing something) major accomplishment: destroying the Death Star. The only other major thing he did (redeeming Vader) was passive. It only happened because Palpatine was kicking his ass.If the best Luke can do is train Rey, then he's ultimately not that important. He didn't really DO anything different than what Obi-Wan or Yoda did. And that doesn't feel like progress.I think Rey should be the one to lead Luke's New Jedi Order into the future, but it should be LUKE's Jedi Order that she's leading. The one he started. And that means that he'll need more than just her as an apprentice.The problem is that I don't know how they could fit all that in (unless they keep Luke alive throughout the ST). via /r/StarWars http://ift.tt/2oIpoe7

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